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Buy your piano with confidence and know what it's really worth

- Piano Tuning Brisbane -

" How can I tell if it's a good piano"


Buying a piano can be difficult especially if you're not a piano player yourself. If you're considering a piano upgrade or making a first time purchase, don't be left wondering if it's really the right piano for you.


If you've got a piano in your home then chances are it's covered by insurance. Wether you're claiming on damages or need to be sure of it's replacement cost, a professional valuation offers peace of mind when needed.


Family pianos not only hold beautiful memories but may also have considerable monetary value. Avoid the guess-work and enjoy the clarity of an independent expert valuation. If your estate has a piano on the list, discover it's real value.

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"Don't be left wondering if it's the right piano for you"


Piano Valuation Quote


Receive professional advice to ensure you're buying the right piano at the right price. We'll discuss your individual needs and determine the best piano for your budget. Avoid buying a warranty nightmare or paying too much!


Regardless of why you need your piano valued or assessed, enjoy the clarity of a piano valuation expert. Independent advice with an understanding of your pianos condition will ensure you know exactly how much your piano is worth.


Condition reports are a valuable asset especially if insurance companies get involved. A detailed list of your piano's current condition and its potential market value can be an important document to have if your piano get's moved or damaged.

Common Piano Valuation Questions

Don't be left wondering... Get answers now from your piano expert.

0413 770 068

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